Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health.
What do you do when you have no running water, no bathroom, no electricity, and 3 out of four of your family members are only available in the summer because they are on the academic calendar? You hold a farm open house for your friends and family on the hottest day of the summer, of course! In our case, our guests had to go one step further because it was also the end of the heat dome and the temperature hit 100 degrees by the end of the day. To paraphrase the great Tracy Lawrence song, “You find out who your friends are” on days like this and we were honored to have so many in attendance.
The heat could not contain the excitement to get an early glimpse of the tree plots, the lavender planting, the red farm truck and the barn! We were lucky to have four generations of family and close friends join for a cookout and yard games. We are so grateful to have shared a day with people who have supported the dream by listening to it for 4 years. These inaugural participants were very helpful and we hope to learn from this and offer additional farm days in the future – maybe even with electricity, water & bathrooms! We can’t wait to see what 2024 brings!