Recycling Trees
What happens to the trees after Christmas? Out here in this California apartment complex, they are collected and sent off to the landfill to be turned into mulch, compost, or ground cover.
What happens to the trees after Christmas? Out here in this California apartment complex, they are collected and sent off to the landfill to be turned into mulch, compost, or ground cover.
As the year winds down, we count the “inventory” and take stock of what we have left. There are 101 Christmas trees showing signs of life. We have lost many more than that to drought, soil conditions and the occasional deer. We are proud of these survivors and we look forward to their growth in
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In the early years of Christmas tree growing, there is a lot of mowing. A delicate task, slow going, In order to keep from running over the young trees, it takes a watchful eye and steady hand. And usually a bit of hand weeding. The native grasses are constantly trying to choke out the trees,
Working under the 2024 heat dome meant getting up at 6 am and mowing around the Christmas trees early. I started the day with full protection, but as the heat and worked kicked in I removed the mask. Even when we know what we should do, the work takes over and it’s so easy to
96 more were planted. 48 phenomenal, 16 each of Munsted, Grosso, and Sensational. The ground was tough but the electric auger saved the day.
Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health.
The truck is legit! Read More »